Jam had his birthday a couple of weeks ago and his in for training (IFT) day we estimate is July 21st. So, after I completed his CBARQ questionnaire, I went looking for the 12-month evaluation form for puppies. But there wasn't one. There was one for 14-month old puppies, so I looked at it.
I noticed that there is a list of commands that all the puppies should know (and this list is up on our pantry). However, on the 14-month eval, there are some details that the manual doesn't give you, such as time limits for a sit-stay and a down command (see below list).
Jam, sitting down and looking up at the camera. |
Commands Puppy Should Know:
- Forward (got it covered)
- Sit (working on his placement)
- Sit-Stay (3 min. Hmmmm)
- Down (5 min. Double HMMMMM)
- Stand (knows it, but doesn't always do it)
- Come (knows it, but we try only to do it with the leash on)
- Heel (knows it, but since the new Blue Coat Journal came out, we will be revisiting this)
- Switch (got it covered!)
Oh my. A three-minute sit stay? A five-minute down stay? We hadn't really been timing them. It was a good thing I had looked at the evaluation form because we now had our work cut out for us. I decided we needed to do a baseline test to see what he could do.
Let's see where we stood for the down command:
About a minute and a half in Jam gets bored and stretches, but doesn't break the down. |
Jam finally rests about 3 minutes in. |
The beeping of the camera disturbs him and he breaks the down at 3:21. Over all, though a good down. |
Now, for the sit-stay.
Jammy is in the sit position. |
Jammy is getting sleepy about 45 seconds in and wants to lie down! No, Jammy! |
Jammy is back in a sit, but still wants to lie down. |
3:06 seconds. We made it, but Jam tried to lie down three times. I think that counts as breaking the sit-stay. This sit-stay is going to be the hard one. Jammy is a very lazy boy. |
I think the sit-stay is going to be much harder than the down-stay. Jam loves to lie down. He isn't much for sitting. Most of his sits merge into a down. So, now we have a goal. A 3-minute sit-stay.
We can practice this when he is in the library by my side at the table. I'll start timing him. We have two months.
Not a problem.
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