Tuesday, March 19, 2013

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Travels without Coach

This spring break we are visiting Santa Fe, NM again.  For the fourth time.  You would think it would get boring but it doesn't.  The only bad thing is that we had to leave little Coach behind.  And so soon after he had been hit with his dietary indiscretion!  Of course, by the time we left, he was back to normal and zooming around the house like a madman, but still.  One misses the baby.

Photo of a TSA sign saying K9 units were in use.
It seemed that we were going to be reminded at every turn that we should have brought Coach with us. TSA would have had friends for him to play with.

Long distance photo of a man by a wheelchair with a german shepard dog lying down by his left side.

There was even a man with a service dog on our flight.  It was interesting to watch them go through security.  He did the way we practice it.  Handler goes through and then calls his dog.  So practicing those come commands is VERY important.  No leash!!!

Sign on a tree stump that says City of Santa Fe: No Dogs Allowed

However, when we got to Santa Fe, there were a couple of signs that gave me some pause (paws! 8-)

Photo of my by the sign which is also on a gate. I'm looking really sad!
This attitude made me really sad. So what if we had brought Coach. Was this the attitude of all of Santa Fe?  

Well, I think it was the attitude of the Cathedral of Santa Fe.  It was their graveyard and they really didn't want dogs walking on the dead or digging them up or, I guess, pooping on top of them.  That's all I can think of.  It was a little park area and the only things banned were dogs.  Strange.  

Photo of a Chile Ristra.

Elsewhere in Santa Fe, there were lots of dogs.  So I think Coach would have been welcomed in the restaurants, the shops, the squares.  People here have a different vibe, which is why we like it so much.

And the food is so good.  Of course, after Coach's dietary indiscretion, we would have been extra careful that he not get any chiles into his system!!!

Sign for Ojo Caliente.
The only place where I think Coach might have been a bit of a problem or where he might not have fit in quite as easily as we would have liked is the mineral springs.  I think he would have loved it.  He doesn't like to jump into water, so he would have been a good boy.  But I think management would have been very nervous.

I'll be posting some things about Coach that I wasn't able to get in a few weeks ago.  Until then, I hope you all have great spring breaks or lovely springs!


  1. Ahhhhhh, No Coach. Yep it's hard to part with your buddies, we hate it when work Calls for a day!

    Your Pals
    The Mad Scots

    1. His pet sitter said he was having a spa day. I imagine he is. They have a pool and a nice visla for him to play with. 8-)
