Friday, November 2, 2012

Pin It



By Fred
We had a good dog meeting last night, with two interesting speakers and welcome news from trainer Jen that we can now use treats along with the Come command. Coach could learn to speak Chinese if treats are involved. For a kibble, he would probably ride a scooter on two legs while juggling tennis balls.

But last night Coach was not a good boy, and I was not surprised. We've seen this occasionally in restaurants lately, him acting very much like a spoiled and bored teenager. He sighs over and over. He chews on anything he can reach. And he does not mind being corrected.

Of course, he never really does this at home. Never. Like his half brother, Jam, Coach knows too much.

Part of this is due to hormones. I could list a dozen more excuses and none of them would find fault with me or Cheryl because we couldn't possibly be doing anything wrong, could we? No, it's just not possible...

Anyway, we are happy because Coach and Willow are getting to be such friends lately. They play and play and play--and that's another excuse for his behavior.

Yesterday they played together for hours, and I was sure that he would be tired (and good) during the meeting. But no, he was just bored because he missed Willow.

I know the feeling. Cheryl is out of town for a few days and already I miss her. (Audible sigh)

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