Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Pin It


The Good, the Bad and the Silly

I'll start with the good. Bingo went to school today. We had a very full day and it started out fairly well. the walk in was not our best. He was very distracted by all the other teachers walking in and was pulling on the leash. I was constantly having to say easy, easy. Katya was very sweet with him on our walk in. We walked in without the coat so that he could do a free walk and get some loving if people wanted to say hello. I'm thinking that come that morning when we arrive at school with all the students it is going to freak him out! He's really not going to know what to do. School is going to be such a major learning experience for him. I just can't imagine a better place for a guide dog puppy to be.

He slept through two meetings this morning, evidently my voice puts him to sleep (I think many students might agree with him! 8-). In the second meeting I was looking around to see if anyone noticed his snoring, but I think I was the only one. I wonder if that would be considered rude? Would going to a meeting with your guide dog puppy and then having your puppy fall asleep and snore be a reflection on me or on the current speaker? And what is the etiquette for a snoring puppy in a meeting? Should I wake him? What if my gentle nudge brings on a loud snort? Wouldn't that be more rude? Isn't it better to let sleeping puppies lie? Or snore, as it were?

Here are our Honors Chemistry teachers trying to contain Bingo as he trys to eat Karene's gradebook. He slept through two meetings, but for the Chem teachers, he was WIDE AWAKE. Didn't want to wear his coat, or sit down, or stay seated, or stay still, or anything. He was a pill. Sigh. Pure puppy.

Fortunately we do have some time to get out of coat and get a little lovin'. Here Bingo is with Jan our Library Assistant who one of his biggest fans. 8-)

We ended up leaving a little early as there was a siren test and I didn't want his little eardrums to get blown out. So we scooted. On the way out we fortunately met the Science Dept. Chair, who is a huge dog lover. You Tampa people will know that today was wicked hot, and since we have had some construction at our school, we had to park way out of the way and our walk to the car was a long and hot one. About 1/3 of the way to the car, Bingo just stopped. John and I turned and looked at him and it was pretty clear that Bingo was hot and was done walking. John said, "Would you like me to carry him to your car?" This is why I love working at my school. I have wonderful colleagues like John, who carried Bingo all the way to car for me. He made my day and he certainly made Bingo's day!

Early that evening, we ended up at the salon for my back to school hair cut. Bingo came with me and fortunately, my stylist Sandy is a dog lover. She was uber patient with him (and me) as he again got a bit of the puppy crazies and wasn't interested in sitting still. Bingo found out about mirrors. Sandy said that when dogs see themselves in the mirror that it is a sign of superior intelligence. Bingo saw himself in this mirror, in the mirror opposite her station and the one opposite that station, so he must be a genius. I don't think I have ever seen his ruff fluff up as much as it did when he thought that he had a rival in the mirror. It was quite cute.

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